I am very proud of my ability to run as much as I did on Tuesday but I overdid it. Working out is a mental game and sometimes we ignore the twinges that tell us we should take it easy. Instead, we push ourselves beyond our limits. Great achievements come from doing so. But more often there are countless epic failures before the success.
I've experienced similar knee pain in the past. Usually due to overuse. But, man, the knee just aches. Admittedly, this is a bit more serious than a day of too much walking. I can tell it's nothing too serious but it will take some time to heal.
So what to do during this minor setback that a majority of runners experience?
I'm going to work on strengthening my quad. After all, one does not get to be as overweight as I am and have muscles that couldn't use some help. I plan on doing the exercises my husband was given to strengthen his quad. I'll continue to take ibuprofen and will ice the area and rest it as much as life will allow.
And even though I know I can do more when I get back on the track, I'll take it easy. I can't afford to acquire a more serious injury.
Good luck to you!! I hope your pain is not serious!